Weaving Communities of Practice | Textile processes | Glossary | estructura simple para urdimbre cruzada con 1 trama, urdida a 1, con 2 colores y 4 urdimbres
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estructura simple para urdimbre cruzada con 1 trama, urdida a 1, con 2 colores y 4 urdimbres

In the simple examples of crossed warp with 1 weft, the structure is simple, warped in a single layer, and in this case only 2 colours and 4 warp threads are used.

En los ejemplares simples de urdimbre cruzada con 1 trama, la estructura es simple, urdida a 1, y en este caso se usa sólo 2 colores y 4 hilos de urdimbre.


  • simple crossed warp structure with 1 weft, warped in 1 layer, with 2 colours and 4 warp threads; simple crossed warp structure with 1 weft, warped in 1 layer, with 2 colors and 4 warp threads