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Rectangular bag with the greatest width in the direction of the warp, made in a single piece of warp faced cloth, folded longitudinally and closed at its sides and upper part, with a central opening in the latter, so that it can be used to contain things: it is attached to the waist by two cords, made of plaited or braided cords, stitched at both ends, and is worn along with a waistband.

Bolsa en forma rectangular con el ancho mayor en sentido de la urdimbre, elaborada en una sola pieza de tela de faz de urdimbre, doblada de forma longitudinal y cerrada en sus costados y parte superior, en esta última presenta una abertura en el centro a manera de contenedor; se la sujeta a la cintura mediante dos huatos, elaborados de trenzados o cuerdas torceladas, cosidas a ambos extremos y su uso se combina con el de la faja en la cintura.


  • bag-belt