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Depending on the sort of cultural heritage and its cultural context, one can estimate that a good satisfies conditions of authenticity if its cultural value (as recognised by the criteria for its proposed inscription/inclusion in the List of World Heritage) is expressed in a reliable and credible form through different attributes such as : i) form and design; ii) materials and substance; iii) use and function; iv) traditions; v) locality and environment; vi) language and other forms of intangible culture; vii) spirit and sensibility; viii) other internal and external factors. The capacity to understand the ascribed value depends on the degree of credibility or veracity granted to the information sources about this value. Knowing and understanding these sources of information are the basic requirements for evaluating every aspect of authenticity. Judgements about the value ascribed to cultural heritage and the credibility of the information sources can differ from culture to culture and even within the same culture. The respect owing to all cultures demands that cultural heritage be studied and judged basically within the cultural contexts to which it belongs.

Según el tipo de patrimonio cultural y su contexto cultural, puede estimarse que un bien reúne las condiciones de autenticidad si su valor cultural (tal como se reconoce en los criterios de la propuesta de inscripción a la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial) se expresa de forma fehaciente y creíble a través de diversos atributos, como:


  • authenticity