Weaving Communities of Practice | Textile processes | Glossary | bolsa de implementos alucinógenos
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bolsa de implementos alucinógenos

Bag used to hold or contain implements for the preparation and consumption of hallucinogens, often made in tapestry which date to the Tiwanaku period, and according to archaeological finds, its use extends from the region of the eastern valleys to the region around San Pedro de Atacama in the site of Quitor.

Bolsa para contener implementos para preparar y consumir alucinógenos, elaborada, a menudo, en tapiz que fechan al periodo de Tiwanaku y su uso, según hallazgos arqueológicos, se extiende desde la región de los valles orientales hasta la región de San Pedro de Atacama en el sitio de Quitor.


  • bag for implements used in preparing and consuming hallucinogens