Weaving Communities of Practice | Textile processes | Glossary | técnica de reescogido por cantidad con conteo por par, 2|2
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técnica de reescogido por cantidad con conteo por par, 2|2

Rectilinear warp faced technique with reselection of warp threads by quantity where these threads have an even count 2|2, forming the base for reselection by quantity.

Técnica en faz de urdimbre rectilínea de reescogido de los hilos de urdimbre por cantidad, en que el conteo de estos hilos por par, 2|2, conforma la base para el reescogido por cantidad.


  • reselected technique in quantity, with an even count, 2|2; reselected technique in groups, with an even count, 2|2; technique with supplementary threads in quantity, with an even count, 2|2; technique with supplementary threads in groups, with an even count, 2|2; technique with supplementary threads in groups, with a pick-up count, 2|2