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Process by which dye plants are turned into more concentrated dyes by macerating them in troughs or baths.
District of Peru: one of the 10 in the province of Carabaya, and also its capital, situated in the department of Puno.
madeja de hilo
Thread wrapped in the form of an 'O' or figure 8, gathered in the arms, between hands and feet, or by a skeining instrument.
Open, fine cloth generated by mesh technique and elaborated without a loom in a single element, in a system of inter-relations to produce a particular type.
Style of textile from Lípez, in the southern altiplano, with warp faced fabrics during the Late Intermediate Period.
mamacona (qu.)
Older women, specialists in making textiles, who teach young women chosen to specialise in textile pratices, under the supervision of the Inka State, in the houses of the chosen women (Quechua: aqllawasi).
manejo de agua
Process by which access to a natural resource involved in textile production is ensured, developing practices of water management, whether by looking after dyestuff plants or wool-producing animals.
Expression that gives shape to, realises and concretises the will and intention of those who try to take part.
manta en miniatura
Small mantle, approximately 34 x 42 mm long and 30 x 100 mm wide.
mantel de mesa
Table cloth made in one piece of cloth woven out of linen or cotton, used to cover the table of the dining room or altar.
mantel encordado
Item of women's clothing consisting of a medium sized mantle used to protect the back and shoulders.
Item of women's clothing worn to protect the neck and shoulders from cold; comprises the tied mantle and wrap.
Small shawl made in warp face technique in two pieces joined together by the central part; it measures approximately 90 x 60 cm and is worn over the shoulders or to cover the head.
manto afelpado
Large sized mantle, with padded texture, usually found wrapping the bodies of the dead or mummies.
manto de piel
Mantle or cloak from the Pre-Colombian period, made out of pelican skins stitched together, and used as protection or coat.
manto mayor
Item of clothing worn by men and women, a layer of cloth of large dimensions that can cover the whole body.
máquina esquiladora
Electronic implement for shearing wool, with a system of combs and alligned plates for different types of wool. In the fields usually working on batteries.
marco institucional del ámbito de valoración
The set of institutions, both public and private, including museums with textile connections, national and international organisations, and the states responsible for looking after textile heritage and evaluating involvements in specific areas, whether at the regional, national or international level.
máscara de baile
Woven or cloth face covering, showing eyes, nose and mouth, imitating the face of a person or animal, worn over the head as a disguise in the performance of a ritual scene or activity.
materia prima para textil
Basic element for making a textile product usually derived from a region's natural resources, hair or wool from wool-bearing animals.
materialidad del textil
All the specific elements of the raw material used in textile production, according to their availability in a specific region through the ecological characteristics of environment and climate.
Maytas Chiribaya-Tradición Valles occidentales
Textile style from the southern coast of Peru and the northern coast of Chile after the fall of Tiwanaku in the Late Intermediate period. It is characterised by warp faced cloths and lavish iconography.
Maytas Chiribaya-Valles occidentales
Textile style from the southern coast of Peru and the northern coast of Chile in the Late Intermediate period. It is characterised by warp faced cloths and lavish iconography.
Item of clothing made out of knitted thread or caita worn to cover the foot and part of the leg.
Medio (400-900 d.C.)
Period characterised by the influence of Tiwanaku in the north of Chile and the development of local cultures.
medios tangibles de expresión de los valores
Qualitative unit of what can be distinguished as heritage. Material dimension of objects of conservation by which values of heritage become evident. Cf demonstration.
metadatos o metadata
Information that documents the content, source, reliability and other characteristics of data.
Mordant made of aluminium sulphate, also known as Chile saltpetre or nitrate, found in various rocks and earths, and used as a mordant or fixing agent in the dyeing of camelid or other wool.
Site of mineral extraction, on the surface or below ground.
Piece of cloth of small dimensions.