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textiles para servir la comida
Set of textiles with specific characteristics in their colour and composition used to serve food, especially in festivals or banquets (apthapi).
textiles para templos
Set of textiles with specific characteristics, often images of deities, used in religious temples. They include hangings, tents etc.
textiles para wak'as
Set of textiles with specific characteristics used to cover the surfaces of regional religious sites, e.g. rocks considered to be wak'a.
textiles y comensalidad: hacer personas
Link between textiles and the sphere of commensality, especially in the sense of using them to promote the production of a new generation of young or wawas, both human and animal or vegetable.
textiles y fiestas
Set of textiles used in the context of festivals in a community or region, e.g. as gifts to those attending a festival.
textiles y guerra
Set of textiles with specific characteristics used in rituals and other activities associated with war.
textiles y hacer parientes
Use of textiles with designs and colours by lineage, to define and designate the members of a family.
textiles y orígenes de grupos (paqarina)
Idea that every ethnic group had its origins in a specific place (paqarina), where its proper class of attire could be found, with its characteristic composition and colour.
textiles y pacificación
Refers to textiles with specific characteristics used in peace rituals after an episode of war.
textiles y poder
Links betweem the use of textiles and the relations of power in a society especially to express the power and status of the wearer or certain group of wearers (political or religious authorities, members of the nobility, or certain lineage) by the iconographic composition, and especially the use of high status colours: red, blue and yellows.
textiles y reciclaje
Cycle of textile recycling, e.g. when cloths and fabrics have been worn out and are reused to make domestic mattresses out of a mass of rags.
textiles y ritos escolares
Set of textile uses in school rituals in a specific region or community, e.g as gifts to school mayors in national festivals.
textiles y ritos patronales-religiosos
Array of textile uses in religious and patron festivals in a community or specific region, e.g. as offerings to the saints or gifts to those attending a festival.
textiles, ferias y mercados
Set of textile uses in the contexts of fairs and markets in a specific regions, e.g as objects of consumption and sale.
thakhi (aym.)
Set of practices and customs, at the communal level, culturally defined whose institutional character structures and organises, in this case, textile activities in terms of style, rights of use, processes of teaching, learning etc.
tiesto filo
Piece of pottery with one of its sides sharpened and used for shearing.
Instrument composed of two thin leaves with a single edge that can be opened and closed by means of an axis. Can be used for shearing.
Chemical substance with the properry of transferring colour to fibres.
tinte animal
Dye obtained from an animal, e.g cochineal.
tinte de aliso
Dye obtained from a wild tree originally from the mountains, whose bark and leaves were used as a natural yellow and brown dye for Pre-hispanic textiles.
tinte de añil o índigo
Dye obtained from a bush of the indigoferous family, native to the region of tropical America, among others: its leaves are used as a natural blue dye for cotton fibres.
tinte de ayancalla
Dye obtained from a spiny bush 20 to 40 cm high, of compound leaves and yellow-orange flowers, from which a natural yellow colour is obtained for dyeing sheep wool or camelid fibre.
tinte de chillca
Dye obtained from a wild bush native to the Andean region; its stem and leaves are used as a natural yellow and green dye for textiles.
tinte de cochinilla
Dye obtained from a small insect, of pink colour, originally from Mexico and the Andean countries (Ecuador, Peru Bolivia y Chile); the pasty material obtained from it, called carmine, reduced to powder, is used as a natural red dye for dyeing different materials, especially camelid fibre.
tinte de lamphaya
Dye obtained from a small, aromatic bush, with fat oval leaves, characteristic of the region close to the transition scrublands of the high Andes; its colours are lilac-blue, from which a natural dye of different shades of cherry is obtained for dyeing sheep wool or camelid fibres.
tinte de mullaca
Dye obtained from a bush native to the Peruvian mountains; its leaves are used as a natural blue dye for dyeing cotton fibres.
tinte de tola
Dye obtained from a branching, dark green bush, with tiny yellow flowers, native to the Altiplano; from its leaves is obtained a natural dye varying from green to yellow, used to dye sheep wool or camelid fibre.
tinte mineral
Dye obtained from a mineral such as aluminium sulphate.
tinte vegetal
Dye obtained from a plant, either root, stem, bark, leaves or fruit, e.g. anil or indigo.
tipo de hilo o caito
Thread or yarn spun or plaited from natural fibre.