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In the north of Potosí at the border with Oruro in Bolivia, an item of men's apparel of war, like a piece of armour made out of leather, with padding made from camelid hair, that softens the blows landing on the chest; it is worn in 'tinkus' or ritual battles.
Arrangment of the hair forming part of the head-dress.
Type of motif obtained by using ladder technique which results in different laddered motifs with colour in rows (patapata) or laddered with intercalated colour (k'uthu) or in the variants with figures (skull, etc) that will depend on the type of technique used: odd; even, or others.
peinecillo impar
Type of motif, made using ladder technique through which an odd number of warp threads is selected. It occurs in ladder techniques with intercalated colour or k'uthu (with or without figure) but only in cases of laddering with colour in rows (patapata), when it is made with a figure. The uneven count is by 2|3, 3|3 and 5|5.
peinecillo k'uthu
Ladder motif with intercalated colour, in chequered or chessboard form. Counting techniques of odd or even can be used. These motifs are found in warp face archaeological and ethnographic textiles generally elaborated with ladder technique using intercalated colour with even count 2|2 and 4|4, and odd count of 2|3, 3|3 and 5|5.
peinecillo otro
Type of motif derived from using ladder technique with colour in rows, or patapata, in which neither odd nor even count predominates. Simple and complex ladder technique with colour in rows are used in archaeological and ethnographic cloths that are warp faced.
peinecillo par
Type of motif derived from using ladder technique in which an even number of warp threads is chosen to elaborate the motifs. It is generally made in ladder technique with intercalated colour (k'uthu), with or without figure, or in ladder technique with colour in rows (patapata) when it has a figure. One common motif of this type is the skull. Ladder technique with intercalated colour is used with an even count of 2|2 and 4|4, in arachaeological and ethnographic warp face textiles.
peinecillo patapata
Motif elaborated using ladder technique with colour in rows (patapata) which bears teh same name, resulting in horizontal rows of colour that alternate vertically. In this technique without figures, neither odd nor even count is applied. These motifs are found both archaeological and ethnographic warp face cloths, principally in simple technique with double warp.
Head dress in the form of a head of hair, often made out of human hair. In some of the mummies from the Monte Grande site, hairs are inserted like supplementary warps in the main band, and in other cases, bands are augmented by long hanks or braids of human hair, or imitations of these made from fine plaited strings of camelid hair.
Decoration of feathers, flowers, etc, forming part of a head dress.
periodización de cambios (Incanato, colonia, levantamientos indígenas de 1781, guerras, migraciones, movimientos políticos, sociales e indígenas, modernidades, etc.)
Dynamic of changes in textiles of a specific region, in the structures, techniques, styles, colours and iconographic composition, above all through the external influences of political and indigenous movements and their symbols and colours, or of modernity in general.
Unit of time used in archaeology to define specific moments with particular characteristics.
Periodo arqueológico
Period from the Paleoindian (and before) to the Spanish Conquest that is to say from 10,000 BC to 1532 AD
Periodo contemporáneo
Period in which the republican order feels the changes influenced by world-wide economic globalisation, from 1900 to the present.
Periodo histórico
Period from the Spanish Conquest to the beginning of the contemporary period, that is 1532-1900.
piedra fila
Stone that has one of its sides sharpened and used as an instrument for shearing.
Synonym for plaited or braided coronet.
planificación de la elaboración
Plan or design of the textile work in terms of its size, form and structural, technical and iconographic characteristics, before starting the work in practice. It includes certain instruments (waraña and tupu) which assist the standardisation of these forms of planning.
Small deep pottery plate or dish used to balance and centre the spinning of the spindle or distaff during the processof spinning and so obtaining a finer and more uniform thread.
Use of textiles to express the power and status of the wearer, by means of the iconographic composition and above all the use of high status colours: red, blue, yellow.
políticas de uso textil
Politics behind textile use, as forms of resistance, in struggles for identity and recognition as indigenous, use of clothing by authorities to express their indigeneity, etc.
Item of women's clothing, like a wide, long skirt, introduced by the influence of the Spaniards in the 19th century, made at first from fine velvet cloth, but now out of nylon cloth.
Item of men's clothing, a variant of the tunic, unco or open poncho of reduced dimensions. It has its origins in pre-Inka cultures: they are items found in dowries in Paracas and have a connection to the Pre-Colonial cloak.
Item of men's clothing in the form of a rectangular tunic, made out of two pieces, and with an opening in the central part to allow the head to pass through, made on a base of camelid hair.
poncho en miniatura
Miniature poncho found in archaeological burials or as part of saints' clothing.
práctica de reproducción
Process of intervention in the reproduction of a natural resource to be used for textile production, in this case crossing wool-bearing animals.
Manner, method, or skill acquired by continual and habitual use.
Prácticas bélicas de intercambio de partes del cuerpo
Practices during warfare where parts of the body are exchanged between groups, for example, in the important presentation of the trophy head in the past, and their association with the origins of textiles.
prácticas de adquisición
Forms of acquisition of a textile. Acquisition (often a euphemism for 'buying').
prácticas de conservación y restauración
All the museum practices aimed at conserving and restoring textile objects.