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Valles interandinos centro
Region that comprises the central Inter-Andean valleys of Bolivia: those of the department of Cochabamba and those of the north of the departments of Potosí and Chuquisaca. Towards the east they are bounded by ceja de selva (eyebrow of the forest) and towards the west by the central Altiplano.
Valles interandinos norte
Region that comprises the Inter-Andean valleys of the north of Bolivia, basically those of the department of La Paz, from the border with Peru to the boundary with the department of Cochabamba. To the east it is bounded by the cordillera y la ceja de selva (eyebrow of the forest).
Valles interandinos sur
Region that includes the Inter-Andean valleys of southern Bolivia: those of the department of Potosí, from the middle thereof to the border with Argentina, those of Chuquisaca from its centre and those of Tarija to the border with Argentina. They are bounded to the west by the southern Altiplano sur and to the east by the ceja de selva (the eyebrow of the forest).
Valles mesotérmicos intermontanos
Region that comprises the zonas of the temperate valleys located between the puna and the zones of the ceja de selva (the eyebrow of the forest) and the lowlands.
Textile tradition widely distributed in the south of Bolivia, Atacama and even in the north west of Argentina. It is characterised by warp faced weaves and the use of transposed warps.
valor de los bienes culturales
Relevance acquired by a cultural good or item or set of them, based on the subjective perception of different actors connected to them. The evaluation has been defined in terms of importance and three categories have been established: 1) scientific importance which refers to specific values asigned by scientifc communities to cultural goods; ii) importance for local populations: refers to specific values assigned to cultural goods by local communities in their own terms; iii) importance as heritage: refers to generic values assigned to cultural goods from an institutional perspective (UNESCO and other organisations).
valor por atributos
Importance of textile because of its conditions of origin and period of production.
valor por estilo y antigüedad
Importance of a textile in relation to the style of iconographic composition and the degree of antiquity of its period of production.
valor por materialidad
Importance of a textile relative to the processes of its elaboration, such as the combination of natural resources and the quality of materials and instruments available for its elaboration.
valor por morfología
Importance of a textile relative to its historical form and the prestige that this carries, in terms of its formal qualities, in the sense of its dimensions, construction and composition.
valor por procedencia
Importance of a textile relative to its site of production or collection.
valor según uso y función en la sociedad
Importance of a textile relative to its use and social function.
valor territorial
Recognition of the origin of a textile in a particular region, both in its conditon as cognitive map of this territory and of its natural resources, cycles of production and relations across specific borders with other neighbouring territories.
valor universal excepcional
UNESCO evaluation criterion which determines whether a good or item will be declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity. A work possesses an Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) if it fulfills one of the following criteria: i) representing a master work of the human creative spirit; ii) testifies to a considerable exchange of human values in the fields of architecture, or technology, the monumental arts, urban planning or landscape creation; iii) is a unique testament to a cultural tradition or civilisation, living or disappeared; iv) is an eminently representative example of a type of construction or an architectural or technological ensemble or of a landscape that illustrates one or various significant periods of human history, especially when this has become vulnerable because of the impact provoked by irreversible changes; v) is an outstanding example of forms of human settlement of culture or various cultures or of the use of the land or sea or of the interaction of man and his surroundings; vi) is directly or materially associated with events or living traditions, beliefs or literary and artistic works that have an exceptional universal importance (The Committee considers that this criterion should preferably be used in conjunction with others); vii) represent natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance; viii) are eminently representative examples of the grand phases of the history of the earth including testimony of the life of geological processes in action in the evolution of terrestrial forms and significanr geomorphological or physiographic elements; ix) are eminently representative examples of ecological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, aquatic, coastal and marine ecosystems and the communities of terrestrial plants and animals; x) contains the most representative natural habitats for in situ conservation of biological diversity, including those in which endangered species survive, which have an Outstanding Universal Value from the point of view of the science of conservation. To be considered, the item in question must meet the conditions of integrity and/or authenticity and must have a system of adequate protection and management that guarantee its safeguarding.
valoración textil
Social value granted to a particular textile piece by the groups of social actors and pertinent institutions, at local, national or international level.
valores comunicativos-documentales del textil
Documentary and communicative importance assigned to a textile's iconography by a social group.
valores técnico-tecnológicos del textil
Importance of a textile relative to the combination of structures and techniques in the technical component of the cloth, especially those considered 'complex'.
vestimenta para establecer estatus y prestigio
Use of textile to express the status and prestige relations of the wearer or certain group of wearers (political and religious authorities, members of the nobility or particular lineage) by iconographic composition and especially the use of high status colours: red, blue, yellow.
vestimenta según edad
Set of cultural norms related to dress varying according to age groups, in terms of forms, colours and compositions.
vestimenta según género
Set of cultural norms related to dress varying according to gender groups, in terms of forms, colours and compositions.
Traditional journeys concerned with textiles, whether to obtain natural resources or raw material for their production or to transport them as elements of exchange or barter to obtain other products.
viajes de compra-venta
Journeys concerned with the use of textiles in circuits of buying and selling, in fairs or markets, to participate in these forms of business.
viajes de intercambio con productos textiles
Traditional journeys in which textiles were used as elements of exchange or barter to obtain different products from other ecological altitudes.
viajes de obtención de materia prima
Traditional journeys to obtain raw material (dyes, fabrics) for textile production.
Textile style associated with the Vicus culture on the north coast of Peru during the Late Intermediate Period.
vida social del textil
Final part of the textile production chain, when the textile as product enters into circulation (or non-circulation) in society, and includes its uses, the ways of wearing and distributing it, and valuing it in society.
volteada a la derecha
Technique of thread manipulation applied in cross warp 1 to elaborate the plait, in which the warp threads are turned to the right.
volteada a la izquierda
Technique of thread manipulation applied in cross warp 1 to elaborate the plait, in which the warp threads are turned to the left.