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Long, narrow piece of wood or iron that is wrapped in the weft thread to pass it from one side to another in the wider part of the loom whilst the textile is being made.
lavado pos-teñido
Process through which excessive dyestuff chemicals are removed from material (fibre, thread, cloth) during the process of dyeing, by washing it in a trough of aqueous solution and natural or industrial soap, preferably with hot water.
lavado pre-teñido
Process by which the raw material of textile production, animal fibre, either as fleece or more commonly as twisted thread, is cleaned of its natural fats, by washing it in a trough of aqueous solution with natural or industrial soap, preferably with hot water.
Rope made out of animal sinew that can be used to catch animals.
Perception of the knowledge of a particular society or culture and documented systematically in textiles according to certain codes, like a language that can be deciphered.
lenguaje corporal
All the movements of the hands and body which the weaver learns in relation to the loom and its equipment, in order to be able to make textiles.
lenguaje de colores
The meaning of colours and their combination in textile composition, and the use of these colours in textile documentation.
lenguaje de diseños
The meaning of the combinations of designs, their scale and colour, and the documentary uses of these designs in textile composition.
lenguaje de listas
Meaning of the combinations of stripes, their width and colour, and the documentary uses of these stripes in textile composition.
Crossing order of warp and weft threads that follows a precise rule to work up a weaving or a part of it.
Process by which the raw material for textile production, animal fibre in the form of fleece, is cleaned, either manually or with an instrument designed for the purpose.
Breed of sheep with long straight hair which is usually compared with that of the alpaca.
Plain motif, characterised by its width, verticality and colour; often combined in predetermined colour sequences. Its meaning in textiles is connected to the quantification (by size) and nature (through colour) of the products documented in it. It can be narrow, medium or wide. Narrow stripes can flank bands of design, whilst the bands alternate with medium and wide stripes and pampas (c.v.). Wide stripes can appear as pampa being structured in the centre of the textile composition. They are made in simple warp structure of flat technique (ina sawu). Narrow stripes can flank design bands, whilst the bands alternate with medium and wide bands and pampas. They are found in archaeological and ethnographic textiles, in raw natural colours and/or natural and artificial dye colours. They are also identified in weft faced tapestry textiles, but we prefer to use the terms 'line' or 'rectangle' according to the width, and 'edge' according to position.
lista ancha
Plain stripe motif characterised by its width, verticality and colour; often combined in predetermied colour sequences. Wide stripes can appear as pampa being structured in the centre or sides of the textile composition, in the case of a divided pampa. They are found in archaeological and ethnographic textiles, in raw natural colours and/or dyed naturally or artificially. They are made in simple warp 1 structure by plain technique (ina sawu). Also identified in weft faced tapestry textiles, where the term 'rectangle' is used.
lista angosta
Plain stripe motif chracterised by its width, verticality and colour; often combined in predetermied colour sequences. Found in archaeological and ethnographic textiles, in raw natural colours and/or dyed using natural or artificial dyes. Narrow stripes usually flank design bands, as their 'companions', whilst the bands alternate with medium and wide bands and pampas. Made in simple warp 1 structure through plain technique (ina sawu). Also identified in weft faced tapestry cloths.
lista mediana
Plain stripe motif characterised by its width, verticality and colour; often combined in predetermined colour sequences. The bands alternate with medium, wide and pampa stripes. Made in simple warp 1 structure in plain technique (ina sawu). Also identified in weft faced tapestry cloths, although we prefer to use the term 'rectangle'. Found in archaeological and ethnographic textiles, in raw natural colours and/or dyed using natural or artificial dyes.
Ranch or cattle ranch in the highlands of the main ayllu of Qaqachaka in Bolivia.
In the horizontal and waist looms and their variants, the set of threads of colour different to the rest, that divide the warp thread so that the shuttle of the weft can pass; used as system to select the threads of each open work and maintain the order in lifting the threads, allowing the execution of a determinate structure and its variants. On the pedal or mechanical loom, with a fixed wooden or metal frame, with the same function of separating the layers of the warp.
llacota general
Men's mantle, from the Pre-Colombian period, probably derived from the padded mantles of camelid wool from the Archaic period, used to protect the back and shoulders.
Fibre or wool, known for sure to derive from shearing llamas, either a live animal or a hide.
Inka headband, made in plush or velvet technique, either monochrome or with polychrome geometric designs.
Women's mantle in square or rectangular shape, composed of two pieces joined to each other. It is of smaller size than the ahuayo and used to cover the shoulders and back.
lliclla general
Women's mantle in square or rectangular shape, of smaller size than the ahuayo and comprises the hualla, huayllasa, iscayo and lliclla.
Description that implies the participation or commitment of communities and people who fundamentally represent the locality, municipality, or province.
Spatial reference to the place where units and objects of conservation are found. Localisation considers the following pieces of information: Locality, Municipality, Province, Region, Country, UTM Coordinates, Reference to nearby or more distant villages, References to natural elements and cultural meanings.
lona para esquilar
Mat made out of cloth or plastic placed on the floor to avoid the wool obtained by shearing being dirtied or scattered.